Eduardo Galeano Returns with “Mirrors: Stories of Almost Everyone”

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“Die offenen Adern Lateinamerikas” ist ein Buch, das in den 70-ern bei uns erhältlich war, geschrieben von Eduardo Galeano.
In Nord- und Südamerika ist dieses Buch momentan wieder aktuell; ein Exemplar besitzt inzwischen sogar Obama.

Ein Interview mit Galeano auf democrazynow. Zum Interview ca 15 min. “vorspulen”. Da das Interview auch verschriftet ist, hier ein kleiner Auszug, der das Ganze natürlich nciht wiedergeben kann:

you know, there is a private property of news like there is a private property of memory, a private property of the right to talk, to the right to say, to the right to be heard. And against this monopoly, which is an enemy of democracy, we have some democratic answers coming from the bottom of society, from people themselves, saying themselves, telling themselves.
And this is quite important. It’s a change. Usually even some left-wing intellectuals used to believe that people, normal people, ordinary people, workers, were only able to repeat the voices of the masters, they were only able to have echoes, not voices. But they do have voices. Even my friends, my close friends, from the priests of the theology of liberation, when they say, “We are the voice of those who have no voice,” it’s a big mistake. Everybody has a voice. The problems is that they cannot be heard. But everybody has something to say that deserves to be heard, perhaps celebrated, perhaps at least forgiven.

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